SEN Design Group

Building a Kitchen and Bath Brand

Building a Kitchen and Bath Brand Through Seminars, Blogging, and Speeches

“A brand for a company is like a reputation for a person. You earn a reputation by trying to do hard things well.”

—Jeff Bezos

As you create value in your brand, more and more prospects will flock to your business. Creating value is modifying, adding, and adapting your service for your clients. You can also add value by using a transparent selling model and hosting educative events to raise awareness of your brand.

Those investing in kitchen and bath remodeling projects value a firm’s service for its tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Kitchen and bath remodeling firms have the opportunity to prove and add value to their client’s experience at numerous steps along the way.

In this advisory, we talk about ways to provide value to your clients continuously so they rave about doing business with your firm.

The intangibility of kitchens and bath sales

Instant gratification is not something clients of kitchen and bath remodeling projects typically expect from the firm they hire. Your customers are buying into a process they will live with for many weeks before their purchase becomes something they can enjoy.

On top of waiting, clients are swarmed with the details of putting their project together; fixtures, surface materials, cabinets, and meeting the people who will be in their homes while the work is completed. Buying a house is not as complicated as remodeling its kitchen! The best work your sales team can do is tangibilize the process of purchasing a kitchen or bath for your client.

Creating value for your customers by tangibilizing the buying process

Yes, your service should leave a powerful positive impression in the minds of your prospects, but it’s how you deliver fantastic service that will persuade prospects to become your clients. Start by being transparent in the budgeting process and use a Good-Better-Best selling platform, so your client sees how their project adds up to what it does. This is the fastest and most effective way to transfer their dream project from their imaginations into the real world.

A designated sales platform will speed up your service, make it more accurate, and harmonize your team for engaging with clients. This tangibilizes your service to prospects. The proven result is that you’ll have more clients and be able to charge up to 40% more for your service.

Showcase your knowledge, passion, and professionalism

Brand building is about when, where, and how you distribute your message.

The way to enrich your brand is to teach the educational concepts built into it to an audience. Prospects and other firm owners can benefit from your expertise.

Websites and showrooms are two spaces typically used to build a brand. However, holding seminars in public performance venues is an excellent way to spread your company culture and teach skills and concepts.

While hotel conference rooms and other large venues are great places to hold seminars, informal meetings can also effectively strengthen your brand’s value and be significant to your relationship with your community market. Smaller presentations would work well in your showroom, community spaces, or restaurants. Hosting topic discussions and workshops are effective ways to boost your ties with your community and educate prospective buyers about your product and services, introducing them to your company culture.

We’ve known SEN members to have success hosting seminars on topics such as:

  • How to save thousands on a designer kitchen or bath
  • How much should I spend remodeling my kitchen?
  • What are the benefits of having multiple remodeling projects done back to back?

Hosting topic discussions gave our members the leverage to edify their prospects’ on their potential investment and drove up their inflow of jobs in a year. This is a way to add value to your prospect’s experience with your firm because it shows that you know what is essential to your client and have done something to satisfy their concerns.

Contact the entities you would like to share your speaking services with on their preferred social media platform or via email. Send out a media kit offering your services as a speaker with a list of suggested topics ranging from 30 minutes to an hour and a half. This way, you’re offering a great deal of flexibility in amounts of time that will allow the audience to bond with you and show prospective clients the set structure within which you work.

Spread your brand through your preferred spaces

Complete the exposure of your company culture through upcoming advertising events on your website. Display high-definition industry pictures of previous engagements. If you don’t have any of these, take professional-grade photos of your sales designers interacting with customers.

Blog about upcoming events before they occur, then post highlights; of what was covered and what attendees got out of your event after it has taken place. This is a way to build up the value of your brand over time so that it becomes identified as a leader in the field.

People who design and install kitchens are passionate, and those who buy them are passionate about their investment! Indeed, investing in a kitchen or bathroom remodeling project is done by people seeking to add value to their lives and, secondarily, their homes. Make sure your firm is the source of that added value.


SEN Leadership Team


Master strategic planning, selling more into each job, leveraging technology, Good-Better-Best selling, and other smart implementations at one of SEN University’s valued online business courses – or contact Shannon Blair to attend our in-person schools