SEN Design Group

Feature Article

Material Shortages and Project Delays—Dealing with Unhappy, Difficult Customers

A year ago at the start of the pandemic, no one knew what to expect. What exactly would all of this mean for our businesses when we were forced to […]

Business Advisory VOL. 2, ISSUE 18

How Cabinet Comparison Displays Drive Kitchen Sales

“Approach each customer with the idea of helping him or her solve a problem or achieve a goal, not of selling a product or service.” —Brian Tracy, Author of The Psychology of Selling. Imagine today’s consumer wandering around your kitchen and bath showroom. One kitchen display after another is gorgeous. Each mock-up projects a different […]

Feature Article

How to Make Your Kitchen and Bath Business Grow

You’re a great designer, but most likely your competitors are, too. How do you distinguish yourself from the competition and make your business stand out from the others? If you […]