SEN Design Group

Get Inspired to Ramp Up Your Operations at Our Fall Conference

“Out of your vulnerabilities will come your strengths.”

—Sigmund Freud

Over the past two and a half years, the kitchen and bath industry has seen many peaks and valleys. With the onset of the pandemic, firm owners saw tremendous profit from an overwhelming number of new clients wanting to remodel their homes. At the same time, we’ve also seen significant inconveniences and devastations.

No change has drawn more attention than private equity firms (PE) buying up vendors and changing the nature of that firm’s relationship with the entities with who they do business. Layoffs and cutbacks followed, as they typically do after a PE buyout.

We’ve seen the consolidation of several cabinet manufacturers and the reduced number of available workers create snail-speed delivery times. Firms across the country have experienced delivery windows spike from 5-7 weeks to a minimum of 12-14 weeks!

In addition to extended delivery windows, owners have difficulty finding quality installers and sales designers. The kitchen and bath industry has been grappling with these ordinary and extraordinary problems.

Attending SEN conferences allows owners across the country to discuss and find solutions to these problems. See how the power of collaboration will refresh your business and ramp up your operations by joining us in Tucson, AZ, from September 20-23.

Experience a tremendous increase in success through peer collaboration

Whether your business is experiencing the pitfalls of cash accounting, you aren’t sure how to implement the Good-Better-Best sales process into your firm, or your gross profit is below expectations of where it should be, you’ll get valuable insider perspectives from industry peers at our #1 rated dealer roundtables.

The roundtables go a lot further than giving advice. In each session, we’ll analyze your firm in-depth using your stats. Each owner will receive comprehensive feedback from their peers on the nature of the issue they’re challenged by and the steps they can take to solve it.

Once it’s clear how the problems facing your business can be overcome, owners will outline an action plan and be held accountable for achieving their goals within a designated timeframe. With this kind of support, you can’t help but be successful at overcoming what has been challenging for your business.

These half-day roundtables may be the best education you will ever get for your business.

Collaboration is essential for designers too

As owners discuss solutions for high-level business issues, the remainder of your team will participate in an interactive Sales Forum led by Chris Dreith, CMKBD.

Designers will break into smaller groups to discuss and brainstorm solutions for everyday sales and design-related problems. On top of that, this forum is an excellent opportunity to build relationships with like-minded designers outside of your firm.

Participants have informed the SEN Leadership Team that this is one of their favorite events to attend and look forward to reconnecting with their peers at future conferences!

Learn how to build relationships through showroom events

Events and parties are an excellent way to lead prospects into your showroom for a captivating experience that will linger with them long into their decision-making process. This is a way to plant seeds of interest in home remodeling projects within your community as well as strengthen relationships with long-standing clients.

During this panel discussion, SEN members will discuss their successful events hosted in their showrooms and provide creative ideas for you to implement in your market.

Rolling out transparent budgeting—your customers will love this innovation

Dan Luck will elaborate on the SEN-recommended Good-Better-Best sales process. Some members know that it saves them hours preparing estimates, allowing them to close many more sales – as many as double – by being transparent with prospects through interactive budgeting.

This workshop will revolutionize the way you do business. Once you try this proven sales process, you’ll fall in love and won’t look back!

Designers will tap into their hidden talents

On top of designers attending the Sales Forum, SEN has lined up a mind-opening workshop led by Kristen Brown. This interactive session will refresh the designer’s perspective on working with clients by tapping into their Creativity Energy Center to unlock hidden talents and revitalize the abilities that led to success.

Our Strategic Creative workshop is for sales designers seeking to lift their client relationships and push their skills and abilities to the next level.

Increase your membership value

Whether your business is wrestling with triple-length delivery windows or you’re not sure where to invest your net profit back into your business, the SEN Fall Conference in Tucson is sure to bring a fresh perspective to you and your sales designers.

Get ready to cook up success in 2023 by tapping into your strengths and uncovering talent you didn’t know you had!

Reach out to Shannon Blair for more information regarding the conference or other upcoming SEN University events.

—SEN Leadership Team