SEN Design Group

kitchen and bath business management

Enrich Your Knowledge, Transform Your Business—Here’s How

Running a kitchen and bath business does not require a business degree or an MBA. However, you CAN learn about the business side of operating a productive and profitable company.

You already have the skills and talent for the design side of the business — but the “run the business” side more than likely does not come naturally to many business owners. And when you are a member of the premier business education and industry buying group, be sure to take every opportunity to leverage the vast resources that are available to you. You are in business to make a good living and provide for your family. And you are a member of SEN Design Group to power your business to profitability.

SEN Design Group is offering a 4-Day Executive Business School in Chicago on July 12-15 at the Mart (formerly the Merchandise Mart), the first in a series to be held at this iconic location. Developing your kitchen and bath business management skills will help you transform your business and accomplish the goals you set for yourself and your company.

This industry-specific education is packed with the information you need as a business owner to develop and improve your business skills, which in turn, improves your business on all fronts — productivity, efficiency, innovation, growth, and profitability.

What you will learn to elevate your business:

Financial Management – It’s a no-brainer. A successful business makes more money than it spends. However, so much work goes into making this concept a reality.

  • Understanding financial statements to make smart business decisions.
  • Choosing the right business model for your business.
  • Budgeting properly.
  • Understanding profit, return on investment, and how to win financing opportunities.
  • Implementing accounting practices.
  • Creating the correct price formula.
  • Understanding expansion and downsizing.

Personnel Management – One of the most important part of any business is your human resources and the team you build. Getting it right is also one of the most difficult aspects of running a business.

  • Recruiting and hiring the right people for your business.
  • Developing and leading your team.
  • Motivating your team.
  • Developing the ideal salary structure.
  • Managing many individual behaviors and personalities.

Sales Management – Without sales, there is no revenue. Are you a sales expert? Do you feel comfortable prospecting, asking for the sales, and then closing the sale?

  • Understanding the importance of sales forecasting and management.
  • Developing a company sales plan.
  • Assembling the right product mix.
  • Creating a superior value proposition in comparison to your competitors.
  • Doubling your revenue using a disciplined sales process.
  • Leveraging technology and the Good-Better-Best selling system to triple (or better) your revenue.

Business Management – Without a plan and the right business skills, the coordination of all phases of your operation to manage income, profitability, resources, processes, and budgeting will be a challenge to the survival and growth of your company.

  • Taking your company from good to great
  • Creating a strategic plan
  • Developing your team

Marketing – To enable sales, you must promote your business and make people aware of your brand. However marketing means so many things – it is digital, it is traditional, it is innovative, and it is ever-changing. Are you fully prepared to market your business?

  • Creating differentiation so that you stand apart from the competition.
  • Understanding marketing fundamentals (because your competitors surely will).
  • Finding the right CRM for your business is key to smart marketing decisions.
  • Understanding the importance of creating a marketing plan.
  • Creating a complete marketing plan.
  • Understanding both traditional marketing and digital marketing.
  • Finding the perfect balance between traditional marketing and digital marketing that is right for your company.
  • Using analytics to make data-driven marketing decisions.

This is a tremendous amount of information and kitchen and bath business management education packed into a 4-day program. It is the only industry-specific business training in the kitchen and bath showroom and design/build industry. As you can see — this education program is solely focused on the business side of your profession. You and your team are excellent and talented designers, and that is a tremendously important aspect of your business and its contribution to your success. If you are strong on the design side of your business, this is the opportunity to be equally strong on the business side of your livelihood.

Productivity. Efficiency. Innovation. Growth. Profitability. This is what business is all about.

SEN 4-Day Executive Business School
WHEN: July 12-15, 2021
WHERE: theMart (formerly the Merchandise Mart), Chicago, IL

Enrich Your Knowledge, Transform Your Business.

Contact Skyler Ille to register at