Kitchen and Bath Designers spend countless hours creating proposals that often don’t result in a sale. Luckily, there’s a new way to secure more clients faster.
SEN Design Group founder, Ken Peterson CKD, discovered that new way in 1976, teaching his interactive project budgeting concept to members since 1994. They made the sales process even better by developing it into a 3-column, Good-Better-Best comparison-shopping experience.
Adopt Comparative Budgeting for kitchen and bath designers to gain trust and close quickly.
As in sports, speed kills the competition. By empowering consumers to create their own project budget during the very first meeting, pricing resistance is virtually eliminated. What’s more, they love the discovery process, pricing transparency, and time-savings. That earns consumer trust and a fast retainer.
Bob Amberg, Certified Kitchens, Inc, NJ (SEN Member)
Kevin Duffy, Kitchen Design Collective, KY (SEN Member)
Caroline Farlow, Willow House Design Studio, VA (SEN Member)